
Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2018


to be "rosy-shoed" was a common saying among the fighting forces of the Nova Terra for many years, marking out a veteran considered unusually lucky, having survived againt impossible odds in numerous battles. It refers to the +++massacre beneath the twin maidens+++ when a heavily supported and armed mining installation on an unnamed moon, covered in the pink dust, wich was extracted for its valuable components on the site. Seemingly out of nowhere, the small craftworld of Nyüth appeared behind the two uninhabited planetoids, the "pink moon" was circling around. Without hesitation, the humans where attacked mercilessly. Against overwhelming odds, a small company of soldiers managed to fight it´s way to a shuttle and escape – heroically blowing up the huge storage facilty and two giant bone-constructs of the xenos pursuers. Of the 200.000 humans, three third of them armed millitary personnel, only twenty escaped alive, covered all over with a thick coat of pink dust...

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